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“Bold Action” on Steel Imports

2024-05-28T20:02:48-05:00June 24th, 2017|

Our beloved Secretary of Commerce, Mr. Wilbur Ross, is now publicly discussing what we all hope is the coming protection for primary steel products in the United States and tariffs on those countries that support dumping and have heavily subsidized steel industries. See: Let's hope that castings follows along. Our industry's own Ray Monroe testified [...]

The Keystone Pipeline is Back!

2024-05-28T20:03:23-05:00January 24th, 2017|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Well folks, after many months of consternation in the steel foundry and steel castings industry, it looks like the Keystone Pipeline is back. This is great news for all of us metal casting foundries, especially ferrous foundries. This is great news for our industry. Iron castings, steel castings, and plenty of other foundry products are [...]

Oil Looks to Be Down for the Long Haul

2024-05-28T20:04:17-05:00September 23rd, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

I've spent about as much time reading up on the medium term prospects for the oil market as anyone this past week to try and gauge what the market for steel castings and ductile iron castings is likely to be as we head into 2016 . A few stories that kind of sum up the picture [...]

Woe are the Commodities

2024-05-28T20:04:53-05:00September 23rd, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

I've belabored the plight of the downtrodden oil market enough to communicate the point that the foundry world, especially as it pertains steel castings and ductile iron castings (and to some extent gray iron), is suffering under the weight of low oil prices. However, the entire commodity picture is a bleak one.  In light of the [...]

OPEC is Crushing Our Hopes and Dreams

2024-05-28T20:05:20-05:00September 23rd, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , |

As if the Steel Foundry industry was not already reeling enough as it is... I think this article says it all: To expound on what the article says, OPEC will continue to crush the U.S. Oil Boom with production levels that won't allow the price of oil to return to $60-$70 per barrel until mid [...]

The Steel Casting World

2024-05-28T20:05:40-05:00September 23rd, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , |

We are seeing some real trouble out there in the steel castings world folks.  Despite news that all sectors of the US economy are holding their own, the industrial world, steel foundries in particular, are doing their best to tread water while oil and most other commodities find an equilibrium, but it's painful. There are several [...]

Oil Price Slump Hurts the Giants

2024-05-28T20:08:22-05:00September 23rd, 2016|Tags: , , |

As a steel castings foundry, our industry has taken a hit by low oil pricing.  Many of our peers in the industry are significantly off their 2014 numbers due to the pricing slump, but it obviously isn't just the steel foundry guys. Exxon, Chevron, and many of the other household names are continuing to feel the [...]

The Yuan is Valued…correctly?

2024-05-28T20:08:52-05:00September 23rd, 2016|

For years economists have been arguing over not whether the Chinese Yuan was undervalued, but by how much. Now we're being told the value is appropriate relative to the state of the Chinese economy. For a review of how this conclusion was reached, see:

Additive Manufacturing in 2015

2024-05-28T20:09:19-05:00September 23rd, 2016|

Additive manufacturing continues to be a sexy topic of conversation, and our industry (steel foundries) continues to discuss when and how it will be rolled out in a significant way. Right now the sense among all the bigwigs is that price is still too high, production too slow, and commercial viability in terms of replacing current [...]