Military and Defense Castings

Defense and Military Castings requirements and their various applications are as diverse as the soldiers and engineers that serve us throughout all military branches and all branches of government. Because of that diversity, they need a foundry that pours a wide spectrum of materials and alloys. We are a SAM registered small business that has produced parts for the DLA, Army, Army Corps of Engineers, Navy, and on and on.

Defense castings play a crucial role in military applications, providing essential components that must meet stringent specifications and withstand extreme conditions. Quaker City Castings specializes in producing high-quality defense and military castings using a variety of materials, including iron, steel, and nickel alloys, to ensure durability and reliability.

Benefits of Our Military and Defense Castings:

  1. Durability: Engineered to withstand harsh environments and extreme conditions.
  2. Precision: Manufactured to meet exact military specifications (MIL specs).
  3. Versatility: Suitable for a wide range of defense applications.

We won’t recite the list of castings we’ve produced, but suffice it to say that we know what we’re doing — whether it’s navigating MIL specs or dealing with multiple agencies simultaneously, we are a knowledgeable and experienced cast solutions provider. We also maintain substantial in-house machining capacity to provide you with finish-machined castings, eliminating the need to deal with multiple vendors.

Applications of Military and Defense Castings:

  • Vehicle armor and components
  • Weapon system parts
  • Structural components for military infrastructure

In addition to our ability to produce high-quality Defense Castings and Military Castings using our no-bake molding production process, we can also assist your agency in the rapid development and prototyping of new parts with either producing 3D printed sand molds from models or 3D printed poly-patterns.

Advantages of 3D Printed Sand Molds:

  • Speed: Rapid production of molds reduces lead times.
  • Cost Efficiency: Eliminates the need for expensive tooling.
  • Precision: High dimensional accuracy for complex geometries.

Additive manufacturing allows us to produce castings quickly while also eliminating the cost of tooling. As with any form of 3D printing, thin layers of material are printed in a pre-set geometry, until the finished part is created. 3D Printed Sand Molds are manufactured by layering a binder resin into thin layers of a specific grade of sand. The 3D printer builds up consecutive sand layers, resulting in a finished mold with high dimensional accuracy. Molds are engineered to be printed with extreme precision.

Key Features of Additive Manufacturing:

  • Binder-to-Sand Ratio: Exact measured proportions of binder-to-sand are dispensed, producing optimal sand mold properties.
  • Reduced Variability: Consistent quality and reduced process variability.
  • Tooling Elimination: No need for expensive tooling, making the process more cost-effective.

Work With Us

If you’re looking for a reliable partner for your defense and military casting needs, Quaker City Castings is here to help. Visit our contact us page directly to discuss how we can assist you. We are dedicated to providing solutions that enhance the efficiency and productivity of your operations.

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