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More On the Price of Oil

2024-05-28T20:09:57-05:00September 23rd, 2016|

The oil price continues to bounce upward. I'm not convinced there's any momentum behind it. Global consumption of oil is still growing at a rate less than half of what it was in 2010, all while supply continues to go up significantly as previously untapped sources of oil come online. The numbers I'm seeing show oil [...]

The Machinists Are In

2024-05-28T20:10:19-05:00September 23rd, 2016|

The machine shop is really coming together. We just added an OKK horizontal mill that should help us finish machine some of the smaller parts we produce. Now it's time to re-arrange the furniture and get the machine setups optimized as best we can. I'€™m looking forward to getting some old machines rebuilt and adding one [...]

China Exports Are Down – What Does it All Mean?

2024-05-28T20:10:46-05:00September 23rd, 2016|

Welp, China's exports are falling to near crisis-mode levels (at least as far as the Chinese are concerned): From the article: "The dismal trade performance raises the risk that second-quarter economic growth may dip below 7 percent for the first time since the depths of the global financial crisis, adding to official fears of job losses [...]

Oil Creeps Up!

2024-05-28T20:11:39-05:00September 23rd, 2016|Tags: , , |

Well folks, we'€™re working through the downturn in oil prices just like everyone else seems to be in the steel foundry industry these days. Oil just settled at a 2015 high of $60.93/barrel, which is definitely positive movement but still nothing to write home about. We’ll have to see if any of the curtailments in exploration [...]

From the Desk of the Chief

2024-05-28T20:12:01-05:00September 23rd, 2016|

The inaugural blog! It'€™s been suggested to me for a while that we get a blog going so I'€™m going to be posting things here about various aspects of the company a couple times a week. If you find it informative, great! If you want to ask a specific question, feel free to shoot an email [...]